The Reich Wing Fascists and Nazis want a Civil War? I say let’s give it to them.

So these Fascists and Nazis of the Repugnant Reich Wing wants to start a civil war. They have been calling for one since President Barack Obama was in office for his first term. And I am personally sick and tired of these low life, pieces of shit, these fucking inbred scumbag shitstains on the underwear of humanity, RED HAT Trumpturds and GQParty of Pedophiles calling for a civil war.

My grandfathers and grand uncles took great joy in fucking killing Hitler’s Nazis and Mussolini’s Fascists in WWII. One Indigenous Uncle would cut off the ears, cut out the tongue and cut out the eyes of the Nazis he killed. This way? They could not speak, see or hear in the afterlife. And? I have his blood stained military knife he used to do this with. And it will be the same knife I will use to cut out the lying fascist tongues, cut out the eyes and cut off the ears of these Reich Wing Fascist and Nazi Trumpturds without hesitation or compunction.


Time to declare all out war against Traitor Trump, the GQParty of Fascist High Treason, the Red Hats and the ChristoTaliban

Traitor Trump, the GQParty of Fascist High Treason, the ChristoTalibans and the Red Hats have all declared war upon the United States. They have declared war on the rule of law, they have declared war on the US Constitution, they have declared war on the Bill of Rights, they have declared war on the separation of church and state rules, and they have declared war on all of us good, honest, decent people.

They seek to take power and hold onto it, despite what we the People want. They are the minority in the House and Senate, yet obstruct any real progress that would fix the problems that we face.

They scream about gas prices, put the blame on Biden and the Democrats, then vote AGAINST the gas price gouging bill.

They screamed about baby formula shortages, put the blame on Biden and the Democrats then vote AGAINST the baby formula bill.

Trump, the GQP, the ChristoTaliban and the Red Hats have committed seditious actions, treasonous actions against the United States

There is no doubt in many civilized peoples minds that Donald J Trump, the GQParty of Treason, the ChristoTalibans and the Red Hats of Trump have all committed seditious actions and treasonous actions against the United States.

Those that support and defend these actions, such as Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and those at Faux Fascist Fake News for Nitwit Nazis, OAN, Newsmax and others who seek to cover up for Traitor Trump and the bullshit are also guilty of seditious actions and treasonous actions against the United States by promoting the pathological lies and evil of Traitor Trump and his freakshow.

They have literally declared war, on real law and order, on the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights and anyone who does not agree with their ChristoFascist Nazi ideology of white supremacy and evil. These same fascist piece of shit scum are openly calling for a Civil War II against the United States and are also calling for the use of their 2A rights to murder anyone who disagrees with them.

It is now time to declare all out, no mercy given, no quarter given war against these Treasonous Troglodytes of the Reich Wing of Traitor Trump, the GQP, the ChristoTaliban and the Red Hats. There should be no mercy or quarter given to these treasonous traitors of the United States, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the rule of law.

If these fucking shistains on the diapers of Diaper Donnie, the failed wanna be fascist Dicktater want a Civil War II? If they want to use their 2A rights to brutally murder Democrats, liberals, those they call RINO’s? Then it is past fucking time we declare WAR on them and use our 2A rights to put these rabid dogs of fascist evil down.

It’s Time to Use the GQParty of Treason Game Upon them

The GQParty of Treason, Traitor Trump, his red hats, and of course? Cucker Carlson et al of Faux Fascist Fake News for Nitwit Nazis love to gaslight. Or as this quote attributed to Nazi Joseph Goebbels states:

“Always accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.”

Whether Goebbel’s said this or not is in dispute, but to put this all in modern vernacular? What these scum of the earth are doing is called “gaslighting”.

Gaslighters — people who try to control others through manipulation — will often accuse you of behaviors that they are engaged in themselves. This is a classic manipulation tactic.

These scumbag Fascists? Love to call those of us who dare stand up to them? The fascists. These scumbag traitors? Love to call those of us who stand up to them the traitors.

While they do all they can to take our rights away from us? Whether it be a woman’s right to choose, or for two consenting adults to love who they love, or for religion being kept the fuck out of our personal business and government, or what teachers can teach, or we can read, or even talk about? They accuse us who dare stand up to them of doing what they are doing.

They accused us on the left, whether we are Democrat or Independent who voted for Biden cause we were sick of Traitor Trump’s bullshit? As the ones who committed voter fraud, when it has well been shown that the majority of real voter fraud committed during the 2020 election was done by red hat wearing pieces of shit Trumpers.

When we call out their hate and violence, their white supremacist bullshit? Their circle jerk klan rallies and gatherings with their Nazi wanna be Dicktator Diaper Donnie? They scream how it was BLM or Antifa that caused the violence. Or that BLM protests were all burning down cities, raping white women, killing cops in droves, and all kinds of other bullshit, when most of their gaslighting was either outrageous bullshit lies, and it has long been shown and proven that the majority of the real violence committed during BLM protests was perpetrated by red hat wearing, pathological freakshows from the Proud Gurls and other punk assed white supremacists.

And we can also show that the majority of the worst mass shootings, like at the Las Vegas outdoor concerts, churches, synagogues, mosques, etc were in fact committed by Reich Wing punk assed bitch psychos who espoused white supremacist, reich wing evil.

And it is definitely not the left who are calling for a fucking Civil War II, or the use of 2A rights to murder Democrats and those on the left. Nor is it the left who carry around those traitorous diaper rag flags of the Confederate losers or Nazi losers. It is the Reich Wing Red Hats of Traitor Trump.

It is past time to call these fucking traitors, these fascists, these shitstains on the underwear of humanity, these reich wing fucktards out for who and what they are. To stand up to these can’t understand normal thinking neanderthal sub human troglodytes. No matter if they are those psychos of the GQParty of Treason like Marjorie Traitor Greene, Lauren Bobblehead Boebert, Madison Cawthorn, or some bitch assed punk flying a confederate or nazi fucking flag.

It is past time to fight fire with fire. These scumbags want a fucking war? I say, let’s give it to them. I am willing to bet most of these punks would fold the moment someone started shooting back at them, shit their diapers and go running back to their mommy/wives to change them.

I am betting that those troglodyte bitches Marjorie and Lauren really had done unto them as they have done to others? They would continue to cry they are being persecuted, but so the fuck what? It is time to persecute these persecuter bitches. It is past time to give them back a dose of their own medicine and let them reap back all the fucking hate and evil they have sown.

It is past time to take the fucking kid gloves off. We have in fact tried to treat them with some decency and respect but that did not work. We tried to not really get down into the dirt and mud with them and rise above them, using logic and reason and facts and truth on these twisted fucks and that did not work.

The only thing that seems to work on these fuckers is hate and violence and now? We should give unto them as they have so given unto others.

I am not saying we start a Civil War, or go around murdering these fuckers. What I am saying is? Give them no mercy right now. None at all. Hound the fuck out of them, calling them out for who and what they are. Call them the fucking fascist traitors to their faces. Call them the treasonous scumbag pieces of shit who deserve to be against a wall at Gitmo getting a fucking 21 Gun Ashli Babbit traitor salute. When ever you see them in public? Shame the fuck out of them. They may have no shame, no heart or soul, but shame them any goddamn way.

When they call themselves a Christian? Call them a fucking liar, call them a fucking CINO. Call them a ChristoFascist Taliban traitor. If they use their fucking buybulls, especially Leviticus or Deuteronomy to demand death for lgbts? Demand we use Leviticus and Deuteronomy to put their fucking adulterers to death, starting with hey, multiple adulterers Donald J Trump, Marjorie Traitor Greene, Lauren Boebert and others. And use their own fucking buybulls to tell MTG and Lauren Boebert to shut the fuck up, because they should in fact? Remain fucking silent and have no power over a man. They should go the fuck home and spit out babies for their Christo hubbies and if their hubbies beat the fuck out of them like Lauren’s husband has? Then shut your fucking mouth because the man is the head of the household and according to your fucking buybull you are to submit to him in all things.

When they start their Civil War II?

Make no fucking mistake, these traitors want to start a Civil War and take over this country and institute their fascist, ChristoTaliban bullshit upon all of us. It is only a matter of time before they do. They have already given us a preview of this on January 6, 2021.

These fuckers do not care about the Constitution, they do not care about the Bill of Rights, they do not care about being elected to office honestly and fairly, based on a platform of what they will do to make the country a better place for all of us. These scum fucks want a fascist oligarchy and ChristoTaliban nation. And they will not stop now until they get it. And their next plan will be a true take over via a Civil War.

So, we prepare ourselves. We arm ourselves. We learn how to use our weapons. We learn how do protect and defend ourselves. And we get ready for this. And once these fucking traitors actually start their Civil War II for fascism? We teach these fucking losers a fourth lesson in what losers they are.




Alex Jones and Other Conservatives Call for Civil War Against Liberals

Alex Jones and Other Conservatives Call for Civil War Against Liberals

Hey Alex, meet me in a fucking ring and I will kick your fucking treasonous ass and shut you up for good.

Would you go to war against your fellow Americans to show your support for President Donald Trump? For the last several months, that’s exactly what broadcaster Alex Jones—a favorite of the president—has been calling for.

In his radio show, on YouTube and on his Infowars website, Jones—who never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like and who has pushed the notion that Sandy Hook was faked—has been announcing that the United States is on the verge of a bloody second civil war. Like the radio DJs in Rwanda, Jones has been egging on his conservative listeners and viewers—an estimated 2.7 million people monthly—to kill more liberal fellow citizens over their political differences.

Jones is hardly alone in promoting this scary, emerging narrative on the right. The theme gained momentum after the shooting at the congressional baseball game last month. The day before the attack, on June 13, right wing broadcaster Michael Savage, host of syndicated show The Savage Nation, warned that “there’s going to be a civil war” because of “what this left-wing is becoming in this country.” After the baseball field shooting the next day, he said that he “know[s] what’s coming, and it’s going to get worse.” Savage also said of the shooting that “this blood is on [Democrats’] hands.”

After the shooting, Newt Gingrich opined on Fox that “we are in a clear-cut cultural civil war.” Former GOP speechwriter Pat Buchanan wrote that the appointment of a special prosecutor and political street clashes presage a “deep state media coup” and that the nation is “approaching something of a civil war,” and it’s time for Trump to “burn down the Bastille.”

But few commentators can match the relentless hysteria and reach of Jones. His recent YouTube video titles telegraph the tone: “Get Ready For CIVIL WAR!” and “First Shots Fired in Second US Civil War! What Will You Do?” and “Will Trump Stop Democrats’ Plan for Violent Civil War?”

Jones’s followers have already turned broadcaster words into violent action. Last year, Edgar Maddison Welch drove from North Carolina to Washington, D.C., to fire on a pizza restaurant Jones had been saying was a front for Democratic pedophiles and Satanists. Court records indicate he had been talking to his friends about Jones’s theories before he went on his mission. In 2014, a right-wing couple, self-described Infowars fans Jerad and Amanda Miller from Indiana, killed two police officers after posting screeds on Infowars. Jones later theorized that the shooting was a false flag intended to discredit the right.

Media Matters for America (MMA), a progressive research organization, has staff assigned to track Jones Infowars shows daily. According to spokesman Nate Evans, right-wing media has been advocating violence more since Trump was elected, but Jones “has been particularly crazy about it.”

Among the statements MMA has culled from his broadcasts in recent months are the following:

On June 23, he accused “the left” of starting civil war and offered to personally execute convicted traitors because, he said, “I’m not going to sit here and just call for stuff without actually being part of it.” In the same broadcast he said, “I don’t need some coming-of-age deal to kill a bunch of liberals,” but “we have to start getting ready for insurrection and civil war because they’re really pushing it.”

On June 15, he warned “you kick off Civil War 2, baby, you’ll think Lexington and Concord was a cakewalk.” The day before, he implicated himself and his listeners: “You’re trying to start a civil war with people. You’re taking our kindness for weakness. Do you understand the American people will kill all of you? You understand? We are killing machines, you fools.… But I can shoot bull’s-eye at 400 yards, dumbass. I mean, they have no idea who they’re messing with.”

In a May 13 broadcast, he warned that “leftists want a war,” so “cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war.”

Jones has also called for extrajudicially arresting former FBI DIrector James Comey and Hillary Clinton and has encouraged Trump to use the military against dissenters. “I’d support the president right now moving against these people physically,” he said in a June 13 broadcast. “I mean, let’s be honest. We’re in a war. I would support the president making a military move on them right now.”

This is not the first time Jones has attracted attention by advocating violence against federal officials. In April, he let loose with a rant on California Democrat Adam Schiff, the ranking minority member of the House Intelligence Committee looking into Trump’s Russian connections. The profanity laced transcript was also homophobic and included an explicit threat of bodily harm.

“I’m not against gay people. OK. I love them, they’re great folks. But Schiff looks like the archetypal cocksucker with those little deer-in-the-headlight eyes and all his stuff,” Jones said. “And there’s something about this fairy, hopping around, bossing everybody around, trying to intimidate people like me and you, I want to tell Congressman Schiff and all the rest of them, ‘Hey, listen, asshole, quit saying Roger and I’—and I’ve never used cussing in 22 years, but the gloves are off—’listen, you son of a bitch, what the fuck’s your problem? You want to sit here and say that I’m a goddamn, fucking Russian. You get in my face with that, I’ll beat your goddamn ass, you son of a bitch. You piece of shit. You fucking goddamn fucker. Listen, fuckhead, you have fucking crossed a line. Get that through your goddamn fucking head. Stop pushing your shit. You’re the people that have fucked this country over and gangraped the shit out of it and lost an election. So stop shooting your mouth off claiming I’m the enemy. You got that you goddamn son of a bitch? Fill your hand.’ I’m sorry, but I’m done. You start calling me a foreign agent, those are fucking fighting words. Excuse me.”

Alex Jones

Tim Johnson, a Media Matters for America Research Fellow, who tracks Jones says that the civil war theme is a new one, and probably related to the fact that Barack Obama is no longer president, offering a clear, single enemy. “He needs something new, and so it’s that criticism of Trump equals civil war,” Johnson said.

An attorney with expertise in federal law told Newsweek at the time that Jones’s threats at Schiff appeared to break a federal law, U.S. Code Title 18, Section 115, which makes it illegal to threaten to assault a U.S. official and provides a penalty of up to six years in prison.

After Newsweek published that legal analysis, Jones publicly pulled back, and posted a video attempting to clarify his remarks as “clearly tongue-in-cheek and basically art performance.”

Federal officials are not known to have contacted him or looked into the matter.

Madison Cawthorn Is Openly Talking About Civil War at This Point

Madison Cawthorn Is Openly Talking About Civil War at This Point
The Trump acolyte warned of “bloodshed” and suggested he would “pick up arms” against Americans to defend the big lie.

Time to execute all these GQParty of High Treason scumbags

Donald Trump should never be considered anything approximating normal. Compulsive in his puerile narcissism and clumsy corruption, his presidency was a daily deluge of cruelty, outrage, and inanity, and any revisionist efforts to smooth out the hard edges of his tenure should be swiftly condemned. But it is true that he rose to power in normal times—comparatively speaking—and thus was encouraged by his handlers to at least occasionally go through the motions of what a normal person might do, to sometimes model “presidential” behavior. Did he fail at this? Absolutely. But it is almost nice to think back on this quaint-seeming time when his circle expected him to at least try to rein in his raging id.

Trump’s acolytes, who ascended to their undeserved positions of power after he’d already remade American politics in his image, feel no such obligation. Where Trump’s team initially tried to channel his demagoguery into more traditional political packaging, the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert have always been free to lean into the crazy—knowing, because the former president proved it so, that they will be rewarded by the base rather than punished for their extremism. Trump was—and continues to be—a uniquely destructive force in American politics. But the movement he unleashed may somehow manage to get worse and worse as it evolves.

Take Madison Cawthorn. Speaking at a county event in his home state of North Carolina over the weekend, the far-right representative parroted Trump’s lie about a “rigged” election, which by now has been accepted as a standard talking point by the GOP establishment. But he also took it a step beyond many other big lie proponents, telling attendees at the Republican event that the bogus claim not only justifies the voter suppression laws the party is pushing, but perhaps even a new civil war.

“If our election systems continue to be rigged and continue to be stolen, then it’s gonna lead to one place and that’s bloodshed,” Cawthorn said at the Republican event. “And I will tell you: As much as I am willing to defend our liberty at all costs, there’s nothing that I would dread doing more than having to pick up arms against a fellow American. And the way that we can have recourse against that is if we all passionately demand that we have election security in all 50 states.”

This is, of course, the same kind of overheated rhetoric that has long plagued the more deluded members of the GOP, who seem to have convinced themselves that defending Dr. Seuss against “cancel culture” makes them heirs to the Founding Fathers. But it also cannot be dismissed as the Revolutionary cosplaying the Tea Party was prone to a decade ago. It was this same type of bile that led a rag-tag army of pro-Trump rioters, whom Cawthorn described at the same event as “political prisoners,” to mount a deadly attack on Capitol Hill earlier this year. And while Cawthorn’s spokesman denied that the congressman was “supporting or advocating any form of violence”—he was “CLEARLY advocating for violence not to occur over election integrity questions,” the spokesman said, according to the Washington Post—the incendiary remarks in Macon County on Sunday represent a dangerous escalation in the big lie bombast MAGA world has been spouting for the better part of a year. As Congressman Adam Kinzinger, a prominent GOP Trump critic, pointed out, we already know where that kind of bluster can lead. “This is insane,” Kinzinger wrote Monday of Cawthorn’s comments. “Based on a total lie. This must stop.”

Unfortunately for Kinzinger, and for the rest of us, Cawthorn and his fellow crazies are far more welcome in the current GOP than he is, and the likelihood of this kind of Trumpian insanity stopping anytime soon is dim. The House of Representatives is already lousy with far-right loons like Cawthorn, whose political careers are premised on acting as much like Donald Trump Jr. as possible—and the Senate, which boasts its own roster of cranks and carnival barkers, could be poised to get Trumpier. As Politico reported Tuesday, impending GOP retirements in five states could clear the way for more MAGA Republicans to move into the upper chamber in next year’s midterms—a further reflection, North Carolina GOP Chair Michael Whatley told the outlet, of how Trump has “reshaped the Republican Party.”

“I don’t think the party is going back,” Whatley added.

WATCHJoe Jonas Takes a Lie Detector Test

A party that would elect Donald Trump in the first place was dangerous already. But it could prove even more so as it continues to build on his extremism. As Peter Wehner wrote in the Atlantic last week, after Trump himself got booed, briefly, for suggesting his supporters consider getting vaccinated against COVID-19, we may be witnessing the GOP go in an “even more frenzied direction after Trump’s presidency than during it”—his behaviors, “initially a bug,” have now become a “feature” of the party. Cawthorn, who spoke at the January 6 riot, is not only a product of that rot—he is a proud agent of it.

“When are you going to call us to Washington again?” a supporter asked Cawthorn at the event Sunday.

“We are actively working on that one,” Cawthorn replied. “I don’t have an answer to that one right yet, but we are actively working on this. We have a few plans in motion that I can’t make public right now.”

NEW POLL: Whopping 59% of Fox News Viewers Believe Trump ‘Behaved Appropriately’ on Jan. 6

NEW POLL: Whopping 59% of Fox News Viewers Believe Trump ‘Behaved Appropriately’ on Jan. 6

Even after damaging hearings began, a whopping 59 percent of Fox News viewers say then-President Donald Trump “behaved appropriately” on Jan. 6.

The House Select Committee Investigating the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol began hearings last Thursday in primetime with shocking evidence that included Vice-Chair Liz Cheney‘s revelation that witnesses will testify about Trump’s reaction to chants of “Hang Mike Pence!” — namely, that his VP “deserved” to be hanged

Fox News did not carry that first hearing live, although their newscasters did cover the proceedings on the lower-rated Fox Business Network. Even so, according to a new Yahoo! News/YouGov poll, 53 percent of Fox News viewers either watched live (22%) or caught news coverage later (31%). While a majority, that’s significantly lower than the numbers of CNN (72%) and MSNBC (90%) viewers who watched live or saw coverage later.

Consequently, or coincidentally, there were large disparities on certain questions. Respondents were asked “Do you believe Donald Trump behaved appropriately or inappropriately on January 6, 2021, the day of the attack on the U.S. Capitol?”

While only 19% of CNN viewers and 19% of MSNBC viewers said Trump acted “appropriately,” triple that number of Fox News viewers — 59 percent — said the same, and only 21% said he acted “inappropriately.”

Only Trump voters (65%) and Republicans (61%) were more likely to say Trump acted appropriately, within the margin of error for these subgroups.

Similar disparities were evident on other related questions:

  • Do you agree or disagree that Donald Trump incited his supporters to attack the U.S. Capitol? Agree — CNN:68%  Fox News:24%  MSNBC:71%
  • Do you believe the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was part of a conspiracy to overturn the election? Yes — CNN:69%  Fox News:24%  MSNBC:70%
  • Do you approve or disapprove of the Congressional committee investigating the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol? Approve — CNN:73%  Fox News:30%   MSNBC:77%

The new GOP “Southern Strategy”: Civil war or “Leave It To Beaver”?

The new GOP “Southern Strategy”: Civil war or “Leave It To Beaver”?

This week, all but two Republicans in the House of Representatives went on record saying it’s okay to openly encourage the assassination of one of their own, a person of color and elected Member of the House.  

That part about Representative Ocasio-Cortez not being white was no coincidence, by the way.  It was really at the core of the issue: Republicans now openly refer to her and the women of color who call themselves “the Squad” as the “Jihad caucus.” As in “Muslim terrorists,” as in “the Other.” 

Earlier in the day, known antisemite and racist Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene called for her followers to prepare for war because “Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election” and “the only way you get freedom back after you’ve lost it is with the price of blood.” 

We heard this rhetoric, too, many years ago when a much earlier generation of white supremacists tried to gin up bloodshed in America. 

“The time for war has not yet come,” Stonewall Jackson said in a speech to cadets at the Virginia Military Institute in March, 1861, “but it will come, and that soon; and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard.”

Jackson and his ilk frequently tried to pretend the Civil War was about some high principle instead of just being a naked defense of legal enslavement, but their own proclamations of secession betrayed them.

No matter how much Republicans — and some white Democrats — want to try to pretend that the difference between the Democratic and Republican parties today isn’t primarily about race, it is.  And it’s only a small part of a much larger Republican political strategy that, itself, is also all about race.

There was a time in America when straight white people lived in nice, comfortable white bubbles.  I grew up in one of them in the 1950s; the most “exotic” people in our lower-middle-class Lansing, Michigan neighborhood were Jewish, and I didn’t even realize that distinction until I was a teenager.

The only people of color we saw were on TV; even the milkman, mailman and delivery people were white.  And the non-white folks we saw on TV were always, always depicted as either criminals or buffoons.  And gay people?  Even discussing Liberace’s sexuality was a no-no. 

Mom was in the kitchen or pregnant, and knew her place. One white man with a union job could raise a family without debt beyond a mortgage and car payment. People of color need not apply for the American Dream. 

This is the straight white world today’s Republican Party wants to take America back to.   They’re all but shouting it with slogans like “Make America Great Again!”

When the GOP went nuts about six Dr. Seuss books being dropped by the author’s family from publication, it was — no coincidence — the six books in which Seuss had drawn racist caricatures.  And he wasn’t violating the norms of his day: caricatures of buck-toothed Asians, swarthy gun-toting mustachioed Mexicans, and big-lipped Black people were all over the cartoons we watched as children in the 1950s. They are shocking today, but they were normal and common then, and the GOP wants to go back to that.

When we studied American history in elementary school the 1950s, we learned that Christopher Columbus was a great man who defied conventional wisdom and monsters at the “edge of the earth” to discover this golden land, just waiting for white people to show up and tame it.  (A woman around my age who called into my program yesterday noted that she was “really pissed off” when, in her first year of college, she took a history course and discovered Columbus was actually a rapist, child-trafficker and a slaver.)

We also learned that most slave-masters (particularly the Founding Fathers) were really, really nice and thoughtful people who took good care of the poor, uneducated, primitive folks they “had under their care.” To this day, there are still some textbooks in America that emphasize how slaveholding white people generously provided not only housing, food and clothing but also medical care for their charges.

Republicans today want to go back to that type of history for their children.  They dress it all up with fancy language about “Critical Race Theory” but the bottom line for these white people is that they don’t want their kids to grow up knowing that Black people and other people of color are just like them but with a different amount of pigment in their skin. They want that pigment difference to be THE defining characteristic, and they want teachers, police, and other authority figures to enforce segregation based on it.

In the years after the Brown v Board decision in 1954, entire public school systems shut down to avoid racial integration; one Virginia county went five years without a public school opening.  

There was an explosion of “religious schools,” from private elementary and high school “academies” to centers of higher education like Bob Jones University that were explicitly and entirely whites-only.  Promoting these types of functionally all-white schools continued from the 1950s right through Betsy DeVos’s time as Trump’s Secretary of Education.

When white people show up at school board meetings shouting that “We know where you live!” and leaving death threats on people’s home phones, it’s not because they’re flipped out by historic and legal nuances having to do with past discrimination: it’s because they want their safely segregated schools back.

And they’re getting them: American schools are more racially segregated now than they were in 1968.

And when those schools are almost entirely “whites only” (the school districts where we’re seeing the majority of these “protests”), those “parents” want them purged of anything that might shatter for their white children the idea held by white people in this country for 400 years that everybody who’s not white — from genocidally slaughtered Native Americans to Africans brought in chains to Mexicans whose land we also stole to Asians we once excluded from immigration — are all basically sub-human.

This is how these Republican white supremacists think, and if that sounds outrageous simply check out their literature and behavior. A good starting point is with the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The news media sanitized the Virginia election, saying that Republican Youngkin won “on education issues.”  That’s patently false: he won on racism. And it’s damn well time that the media start pointing it out. It took them three years to start calling Trump’s lies “lies” — how long will it take to call Republican racism “racism”?

When I went into the job market in the 1960s, the headings in the “Help Wanted” part of the newspaper were “Help Wanted – Men” and “Help Wanted – Women.” There was no “Help Wanted – Black People” because everybody knew there was a very, very narrow range of jobs for which Black people could be hired.  Like in much of America then, Black people (and most other minorities) were limited in where they could work, get a mortgage, live, and even walk or drive; if they pushed the boundaries, they risked violence and a horrible, painful death at the hands of police or vigilantes. 

When I was a kid, Richard and Mildred Loving were rousted from their wedding bed by police for the crime of getting married; he was white and she was Black. They were sentenced to a year in prison: interracial marriage was a crime in parts of America until 1967

When I got my first job in 1965 as a teenage hamburger-flipper in an all-white burger joint, there were large parts of Lansing where Black people simply couldn’t go. I still remember my parents taking me to a fancy downtown hotel’s restaurant for some celebration in the mid-1950s and there was a sign off to the side of the door that pointed toward the rear of the building and said, “Colored Entrance.” That, at the time, was considered enlightened: at least the hotel let Black people into its public areas.

But race has always permeated politics, and voting is at the foundation of the political process.

In 1993, no state in the union required ID to vote, even though Paul Weyrich (co-founder of the Heritage Foundation and then with the Reagan campaign) said right out loud that, “I don’t want everybody to vote. … As a matter of fact, quite candidly, our leverage in the elections goes up as the voting populace goes down.”

But then Democrats in Congress pushed through the 1993 “Motor Voter” law that required states to let people register to vote when they got their drivers’ licenses. Republicans went insane, charging that “millions” of brown-skinned “illegals” would now get drivers’ licenses, get registered to vote in the process, and begin flipping elections toward Democrats. 

We then used signature-matching to confirm identity (you showed ID to register to vote, and your signature was kept on record), which is the most secure form of identity confirmation easily available. You can buy a reasonably good fake ID for $50, but try forging somebody else’s signature while an election official is watching you: it’s pretty much impossible.  Signatures are called “biometric markers” and they’re even more secure than ID. 

But Republicans were so certain that hoards of Brown people were going to show up at the polls that they passed laws in state after state to require ID at the polls on top of comparing the voter’s signature.  It’s a pathetic and futile effort: those “illegals” never showed up.  Virtually all of the extremely rare “voter fraud” that happens in America is done by white people (most Republicans, based on those busted after 2020) or ex-felons who didn’t realize they couldn’t vote in their state.

As I lay out in The Hidden History of the War on Voting: Who Stole Your Vote and How to Get It Back, the past thirty years have seen a grotesque orgy of laws, regulations and policy changes designed specifically to make it easier for white suburban voters — and harder for college students, Black city dwellers, and social security voters — to cast a ballot.  

Using the political power they get from skewing elections, Republicans want schools to help their children to grow up like many in my generation did, thinking at some unconscious (and often conscious) level that those racist caricatures were depictions of reality and only white people could be thoughtful, intelligent, peaceful problem-solvers like Dad on Leave It To Beaver or Gunsmoke’s Matt Dillon or Superman. Or members of Congress or presidents.

White is good, they want their kids told: everybody else is weird, odd, comical, dangerous or “one of them.”  Or a Democrat.

The last Democrat running for president who won a majority of white people in his election was Lyndon Johnson.

While it’s sometimes mentioned tangentially that Carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden all lost the white vote, a sort of parenthetic footnote to election results, it’s the foundation of the entire Republican strategy and has been since Nixon invented it with his “Southern Strategy.” 

When LBJ signed the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts in 1964/1965 he left the white racists who’d supported the Democratic Party since before the Civil War without a home. Nixon prepared one, Reagan fluffed up the pillows, and Trump stood out front with a bullhorn and a “whites only” sign.

As it’s becoming increasingly obvious to these “racially apprehensive” white people that America as a whole is never returning to the Leave It To Beaver era, they’re falling back on their old intimidation and segregation strategies.  Red counties in Oregon, for example, are teaming up with white voters in next-door Idaho and won nonbinding ballot measures to secede from Oregon.  That sort of thing is popping up all over the country.

It won’t work, any more than liberal fantasies of avoiding the armed and angry racists by having California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii split off into their own country will work. 

Red/Blue rhetoric aside, America is one country. The Mike Flynn’s and Donald Trump’s of the world realize this and are calling for straight white people to rise up and take over by force, imposing a single religion, rigid gender roles, putting women “back in their place,” and re-marginalizing all nonwhite minorities. 

The “battle for the soul of America” so often highlighted, headlined, and bemoaned by the media is real, but they almost always miss the real story, the signal, for all the noise (to paraphrase Steve Bannon). It’s actually a battle between a vision of America that’s once again entirely under the thumb of straight white people versus one where everybody has an equal voice and an equal chance.

There are a hell of a lot of white racists out there; enough to put Trump in the White House, put race-baiting Republicans in the House and Senate, and secure control over thirty states. 

But culture is inexorably changing. People from a multitude of hues and gender identities are showing up in media and business, and their numbers are growing. White supremacist school board assaults aside, educators and their students are teaching and learning the true racial history of America. (It’s increasingly hard to avoid!)

No matter how much people like Marjorie Taylor Greene talk up civil war and bloodshed, they can’t stop progress.  They may win for a short while, maybe even a few years or election cycles, but time and history run against them.

The fight for democracy and humanity will continue, no matter how many people vigilantes like Kyle Rittenhouse or the cops kill, no matter how many racist white Republicans threaten the lives of their nonwhite colleagues.  

Genuinely patriotic Americans who want a country that pulls together for the good of all — an E Pluribus Unum (“Out of Many, One”) America — are on the ascent across America, even as the GOP has gone insane. 

Nonetheless, it will take a lot of involvement and work to overcome both our racist history and the forces (both domestic and foreign) that seek to exploit racial divisions in this country. 

Racism and violence are the GOP’s brand these days, and if the media doesn’t start calling them out explicitly for it, things are going to continue to get worse. 

A new poll by the Marquette Law School found that while the GOP is largely united behind a 2024 Trump run for the White House, only 28 percent of all Americans agree. Seventy-one percent of Americans want Trump to leave our politics alone and go back to being a billionaire grifter.

Racist Republicans are the outliers, but they are motivated and well armed with significant white billionaire backing. 

If we want democracy and decency to ultimately prevail, we have an enormous amount of political and restorative work to do before we rest. Don’t lose faith: as Winston Churchill famously said, “Never give up!”

Thom Hartmann is a talk-show host and the author of The Hidden History of American Healthcare and more than 30+ other books in print. He is a writing fellow at the Independent Media Institute and his writings are archived at

This article was produced by Economy for All, a project of the Independent Media Institute.

Trump Happy To Call For A Civil War

Trump Happy To Call For A Civil War

As many people have noticed, Trump made up for lost time on his so-called “Truth Social” app, dropping a torrent of nonsense over the weekend.

One caught the eye of many, including George Conway.

Nothing to see here. Just a former president of the United States sharing a social media post advocating or predicting civil war in the United States. No biggie.

— George Conway🇺🇦 (@gtconway3d) May 22, 2022

David Badash outlined what happened.

Fox Nation propagandist and antisemitic conspiracy theorist Lara Logan had reposted a message from the right-wing “populist” President of El Salvador, that suggests the United States is “falling so fast” due to an “enemy” within.

A pro-Trump account on Trump’s Truth Social platform then commented “Civil War.”

Trump reposted that message.

Steve Bannon, a massive Trump sycophant on social media, the Internet, and RAV, has been calling for a Christian crusade-like war in this country, using the phony election fraud nonsense and the January 6 insurrection as a call to arms.

Trump is in love with the idea of being a ruler with no checks or balances and control of the military and all media outlets like his pal Victor Orban from Hungary.

CPAC has become an embarrassing anti-Democratic, anti-US Constitution mess lead by Matt Schlapp and hosting a conference in Hungary is offensive.

In the 80’s Jack Abramoff, the Young Republicans and Ronald Reagan were in love with South Africa’s apartheid country and its mingling of religion and policy.

Now it’s Orban, who told the CPAC crowd this:

“We must coordinate the movement of our troops as we face a big test, 2024 will be a decisive year,” he said

“We must reconquer the institutions in Washington D.C. and Brussels,” Orban said.

Even Bill Kristol tweeted, “Beyond disgusting that CPAC’s Matt Schlapp, in Budapest, calls his fellow authoritarian grifters “freedom fighters” while real freedom fighters are fighting and dying in Ukraine.

GQParty of Treason and Trumpturds want a Civil War? They should be executed for High Treason for doing so

This treasonous piece of shit that crawled out of her well used outhouse in the backwoods of Georgia is calling for a National Divorce, ie a Civil War against the United States and she should he in fact, executed for High Treason for it.

The Republican Party is an existential threat to the constitutional order and viability of the United States, dedicated to an authoritarian vision and the obliteration of a pluralistic society with a diversity of viewpoints, ethnicities, religions, and peoples. Rather, the GOP has become a neofascist cult of personality, dedicated to the accumulation of raw power for its own sake by dividing Americans using lies, fear, and hatred.

Alexander Ziperovich

Traitor and Sewer Hole Marjorie Traitor Greene Keeps Calling for a Civil War

Twatwaffle Taylor Greene Calls for Civil War on Twitter

Representative Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) has dubbed Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) a “traitor” after she promoted a “National Divorce scenario” on Twitter.

Greene suggested in a tweet on Wednesday that “brainwashed” Democrats from blue states should be given a “cooling down period” where they are not allowed to vote if they move to a red state. Although suspending voting rights for people who have moved states based on political affiliation would be clearly illegal, Greene argued that a ban could be possible during a so-called “National Divorce,” prompting Gallego to blast her for promoting civil war.

“There is no ‘National Divorce’ either you are for civil war or not,” Gallego tweeted. “Just say it if you want a civil war and officially declare yourself a traitor.”

While Greene’s suggestion of a “National Divorce” seemed to suggest a civil war, her call for a “cooling down period” to prohibit Democrats from voting would also likely be illegal under current laws. Regardless of political affiliation, people who move states are already subject to a short waiting period to establish residency before being allowed to vote in their new state.

Domestic Terrorist and Traitor Marjorie Traitor Greene again calls for a Civil War duing an interview with Steve Bannon on Real America’s Voice

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Wednesday raised the possibility of a “civil war” if Republicans help President Joe Biden pass his Build Back Better agenda.

“Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election and everything we’re seeing is a result of that,” she told Real America’s Voice host Steve Bannon.

Greene said that she expects Republicans to take control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2022 elections.

“And it’s going to frustrate our voters,” she explained. “They are sick and tired of electing people over and over again that continue to fail us, continue to create more debt and continue the long slow slide into a communist country.”

“We need a good plan that restores America back to the republic that it was founded to be,” the Republican lawmaker said. “Because our freedoms are so precious, Steve, that we do not want to lose them and the only way you get freedom back after you’ve lost it is with the price of blood.”

Greene added: “And no one wants a civil war in America. And that’s why I’m going to be pushing hard in my Republican conference to hold not only Democrats accountable but Republicans accountable as well.”

Later in the program, Greene read the names of Republicans who had supported the recently-signed infrastructure bill.

“Don’t do any death threats,” she said as she urged the audience to confront the 13 Republicans who she has called “traitors.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene Suggests ‘Second Amendment Rights’ Should Be Used Against Democrats

GOP Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene on Tuesday suggested using “Second Amendment rights” on those trying to implement what she referred to as “tyrannical government.”

Greene, who appeared on former President Donald Trump White House aide Sebastian Gorka‘s radio program Tuesday, was talking about programs proposed by Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. The freshman congresswoman mentioned that Abrams, “in her announcement speech, said she would pursue aggressive vaccinations of Georgians.”

She went on to say, “Ultimately, the truth is it’s our Second Amendment rights, our right to bear arms, that protects Americans and gives us the ability to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government,” she said. “And I hate to use this language, but Democrats, they’re exactly … they’re doing exactly what our Founders talked about when they gave us the precious rights that we have.”

Greene, during the interview, also said that “she is not a violent person” and that she hopes to “never see a civil war in this country.”

This isn’t the first time Greene suggested turning to the Second Amendment. In August 2021, while speaking to the Alabama Federation of Republican Women about vaccination volunteers who may show up at their door, Greene suggested using their guns, saying, “Yeah, well, what they don’t know is in the South, we all love our Second Amendment rights.” Greene went on to say that, “We’re not real big on strangers showing up on our front door, are we? They might not like like the welcome they get.”
Which plan should we use to execute Marjorie Traitor Greene for High Treason and for calling for a Civil War and the use of 2A rights to murder Democrats?

Some Republicans call for second Civil War: ‘Citizens take arms!’

These Repugnants are fucking traitors

War-like imagery has begun spreading in Republican circles after the attack on the U.S. Capitol by a mob of President Donald Trump’s supporters, with some elected officials and party leaders rejecting pleas to tone down rhetoric calling for a second civil war.

In northwestern Wisconsin, the chairman of the St. Croix County Republican Party was forced to resign Friday after refusing for a week after the siege to remove an online post urging followers to “prepare for war.” The incoming co-chair of the Michigan GOP and her husband, a state lawmaker, have joined a conservative social media site created after the Capitol riot where the possibility of civil war is a topic.

Phil Reynolds, a member of the GOP central committee in California’s Santa Clara County, appeared to urge on insurrectionists on social media during the Jan. 6 attack, declaring on Facebook: “The war has begun. Citizens take arms! Drumroll please….. Civil War or No Civil War?”

The heightened rhetoric mimics language far-right extremists and white supremacists have used for years, and it follows a year of civil unrest over the killing of George Floyd, a Black man, by a white police officer and its links to systemic racism. Some leftists have used similar language, which Republicans have likened to advocating a new civil war.

The post-Floyd demonstrations prompted governments and corporations alike to reevaluate, leading to the removal of Confederate symbols across the South and the retirement of racially insensitive brands.

Then on Jan. 6, demonstrators stoked by Trump’s false claims that he won the 2020 election brought symbols of the Old South to the siege of the Capitol, carrying Confederate flags inside and even erecting a wooden gallows with a noose outside the building.

Democrats say the uptick in war talk isn’t accidental. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., said Trump began putting his supporters in the frame of mind to make the opening charge years ago and is “capable of starting a civil war.”

“Since his first day in office, this president has spent four years abusing his power, lying, embracing authoritarianism (and) radicalizing his supporters against democracy,” she said in arguing for impeachment. “This corruption poisoned the minds of his supporters, inciting them to willingly join with white supremacists, neo-Nazis and paramilitary extremists in a siege of the United State Capitol building, the very seat of American democracy.”

Randy Voepel, a state Assemblyman in California, backtracked after referencing an earlier war — the American Revolution — in a Jan. 9 San Diego Union-Tribune article: “This is Lexington and Concord. First shots fired against tyranny. Tyranny will follow in the aftermath of the Biden swear in on January 20th.”

More than three dozen veterans and officials have called for Voepel to be expelled from office. He has since revised his war-like rhetoric with a condemnation of the “violence and lawlessness” at the Capitol and a call for healing.

In Missouri, state GOP Chairwoman Jean Evans had enough of the war talk. She resigned after she was barraged by calls from Trump supporters, some of whom demanded a military coup to keep Trump in office “no matter what it takes.”

“There’s a lot of good Republicans right now who totally disagree with what’s going on,” she told KMOX. “It’s been very scary and frightening and un-American from my perspective, and definitely not part of the conservative party I embrace.”

Andrew Hitt, the Republican chairman in Wisconsin, faced off against the St. Croix County party without initial success, describing the call to war as an “ill chosen phrase” and urging its removal.

Despite his plea and those of Democrats and a Republican sheriff, the post remained defiantly in place until a week after the Capitol attack. The website went dark Wednesday without explanation, and the county GOP chairman, John Kraft, resigned on Friday. He did not return a call seeking comment.

Trump Happy To Call For A Civil War

Sharing a two-word message on Truth Social: “Civil War.” What the hell.

As many people have noticed, Trump made up for lost time on his so-called “Truth Social” app, dropping a torrent of nonsense over the weekend.

One caught the eye of many, including George Conway.

Nothing to see here. Just a former president of the United States sharing a social media post advocating or predicting civil war in the United States. No biggie.

— George Conway🇺🇦 (@gtconway3d) May 22, 2022

David Badash outlined what happened.

Fox Nation propagandist and antisemitic conspiracy theorist Lara Logan had reposted a message from the right-wing “populist” President of El Salvador, that suggests the United States is “falling so fast” due to an “enemy” within.

A pro-Trump account on Trump’s Truth Social platform then commented “Civil War.”

Trump reposted that message.

Steve Bannon, a massive Trump sycophant on social media, the Internet, and RAV, has been calling for a Christian crusade-like war in this country, using the phony election fraud nonsense and the January 6 insurrection as a call to arms.

Trump is in love with the idea of being a ruler with no checks or balances and control of the military and all media outlets like his pal Victor Orban from Hungary.

CPAC has become an embarrassing anti-Democratic, anti-US Constitution mess lead by Matt Schlapp and hosting a conference in Hungary is offensive.

In the 80’s Jack Abramoff, the Young Republicans and Ronald Reagan were in love with South Africa’s apartheid country and its mingling of religion and policy.

Now it’s Orban, who told the CPAC crowd this:

“We must coordinate the movement of our troops as we face a big test, 2024 will be a decisive year,” he said

“We must reconquer the institutions in Washington D.C. and Brussels,” Orban said.

Even Bill Kristol tweeted, “Beyond disgusting that CPAC’s Matt Schlapp, in Budapest, calls his fellow authoritarian grifters “freedom fighters” while real freedom fighters are fighting and dying in Ukraine.

Hang Traitor Donald J Trump With the Same Noose at the Capitol on Jan 6

Traitor Donald J Trump should be hung, right from this same gallows, using the same hangman’s rope, for High Treason against the United States

Donald J Trump is in fact? Guillty of High Treason, Sedition and Insurrection against the United States and should be executed using the very same rope and gallows built by his treasonous Trump shitstains on the underwear of humanity they were going to use to lynch Pence, Pelosi and the others.

Trump Shares Post Suggesting ‘Civil War’

Trump Shares Post Suggesting ‘Civil War’

Former President Donald Trump shared a post on his social media platform that appeared to propose or predict a civil war in the U.S.

A Truth Social user suggested “civil war” in response to a March 19 tweet from El Salvador’s president, Nayib Bukele, which was screengrabbed and posted to Truth Social by former Fox Nation host Lara Logan. Trump “retruthed” the comment about civil war. 

“The most powerful country in the world is falling so fast, that it makes you rethink what are the real reasons,” Bukele’s tweet read. “Something so big and powerful can’t be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within.”

Trump shared a post suggesting a U.S. “civil war.” (Photo: Truth Social)

Bukele, whose extensive Twitter use and hardline immigration policies have led some to designate him a “mini Trump,” has had a tense relationship with the Biden administration. Officials have expressed serious concerns about his commitment to democracy.

His tweet was in response to a Bloomberg News article about rising inflation in the U.S.

Attorney George Conway, one of Trump’s most prominent conservative critics, flagged the exchange on Twitter.

Nothing to see here. Just a former president of the United States sharing a social media post advocating or predicting civil war in the United States. No biggie.— George Conway🇺🇦 (@gtconway3d) May 22, 2022

In an interview with CNN, Conway said Republicans were willing to look the other way from Trump’s incendiary rhetoric because “they’re terrified of him.”

“But they’re also terrified of a Republican base that’s become increasingly radicalized,” he continued. “That actually does believe that people who politically disagree with them are a threat to the nation and therefore violence could be necessary to fight them off, and that’s what we saw in this social media post.”

“The suggestion is that somehow we are headed towards civil war or there should be civil war, or something to that effect, and for a former president of the United States and leading convention for the 2024 Republican nomination to even be talking about that and suggesting that is absolutely appalling.”

Trump’s behavior drew condemnation, including from Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), one of Trump’s few Republican detractors in Congress, and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.). 

“Any of my fellow Republicans wanna speak out now?” Kinzinger tweeted. “Or are we just wanting to get through ’just one more election first…?”

Any of my fellow Republicans wanna speak out now? Or are we just wanting to get through “just one more election first…?”— Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) May 22, 2022

Swalwell said Trump wouldn’t be “man enough” to fight in a civil war he called for, noting the former president dodged being drafted for the Vietnam War and didn’t join protesters that he encouraged to march to the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Some of those protesters went on to ransack the building in an effort to stop Congress’ certification of the 2020 election, which Trump repeatedly and falsely told supporters was “rigged” and “stolen” from him.

Donald Trump is calling for Civil War. Of course, like Vietnam and the walk to the Insurrection, he won’t be man enough to fight it.— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) May 22, 2022

In the wake of Trump’s persistent attacks on the U.S. electoral system, and the political violence it inspired on Jan. 6, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance in Stockholm listed the U.S. as a “backsliding” democracy last year. 

A member of a key CIA advisory panel, political science expert Barbara Walter, warned in a book last year that “no one wants to believe that their beloved democracy is in decline, or headed toward war” but the U.S. “has entered very dangerous territory.” 

Some Republican officials have stoked divisions, openly calling for civil war and parroting language used for years by far-right extremists and white supremacists.

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